Thursday, June 3, 2010

i caught my first TIGER MUSKIE

... i LOVE fishing...
ok guys... so i KNOW i already posted something this week.. but i am so FREAKING EXCITED i can't stand it! all winter, brady was going ice fishing (i had no idea why he loved it so much, though i went a few times) and so this christmas, brady got me a fishing pole (which is pink, LOL) and my own fishing stuff! i was super excited, even though i wasn't very good with it. I remember going fishing with my dad, but i was always so small he'd cast it and then i'd watch it and then if there was a fish i'd make him reel it in.. (i know so i guess he had two poles all the time) and then by the time i would have been able to do it myself i didnt care as much. i cared more about boyfriends, and dance, and friends... why? i have no idea.. i guess that's a part of being a girl teenager. :)

So me and brady have went fishing a few times, and at times i just think that i dont know what the heck i'm doing. i felt like such a baby when we first started going, i couldnt cast (still not the best) i got snagged (still do) and i dont know what lure, or hook, or worm or whatever to use. but this past weekend we went fishing a few times. i didn't catch anything, brady did! he has caught a few tiger muskies and had a few chasers.. me SILTCH. NOTTA, so while i was at work yesterday, and brady had the day off he decided to go to Newton dam to go fishing, again he caught a Tiger Muskie, he took pictures with his phone but they aren't very good.... so he called and wanted to know if i wanted to come out, i said sure and so my neighbor nick came and got me, and me him and his wife rachel went out fishing to meet up with brady.
(This is were it gets good)
We were on the boat and brady and nick were fishing, and i couldnt decide what i wanted to do, we were in kind of shallow water and i didnt know if i wanted to fight getting snagged.. cause i do that a lot. well i figured i'd just play around and do my own thing... i picked out a white fish lure that had a hook on it, it was probably about 3 or 4 inches long... put it on my line and let it down, i didnt cast it just kept giving in line to drop right off the side of the boat.. if you can picture this -me doing this, while talking on the phone and holding the pole with one hand- i all of a sudden feel a bite, scream (out of excitement) and through the phone to rachel (she doesnt know my sister on the other end and just ends up saying 'um she caught a fish, she'll call you back' i was so excited! so nick and brady figured they better help me... they put their poles down, come and kind of tell me what to do, not to fight it, let it go, reel it in, let it take the line, reel it in. I WAS OVERWHELMED!!! i didnt know if it was coming or going, then it took off, jumped out of the air, and finally made it's way to our boat!!! we took pictures, and let it go. it was probably around 35 inches!!!! thats the biggest fresh water fish i've ever caught.. if you notice in the picture nick had to hold the tail cause i was scared it would try and jump away from me and i'd either get bit or the fish would fall and get even more hurt (you cant keep this fish) but i was DANG excited... we stayed out there until like 9, nick caught a bass, brady caught a bass. and rachel just hung out (i think she's been fishing too many times.. and was tired of it :) haha but i'm already wanting to go back!!! 
This is me and my reeling skills :) as you can see i kept it on the line while nick and brady got it out of the water.. some day i'll learn how to do that myself!
This was me with my TIGER MUSKIE, it was HUGE
 This is Nick and his Bass
This is brady and his bass!



Bryce and Britt said...

Holy crap!! That thing is HUGE!! You are brave, I freaking hate those things!!! When I found out they were in Newton dam I was pissed no one told me there were fish that big, and I was SWIMMING with them!! YUCK! I'll never get in the water at Newton dam EVER again! LOL

Erin and Daryl said...

SHAYNA!!!! Your amazing! I grew up fishing with my dad and I have never caught a fish that BIG! Maybe I should talk on the phone and fish...ha ha ha ha ha. CONGRATS! I love how brady's fish in the picture looks smaller than your friend and yours, ha ha ha! I LOVE FISHING! LETS GO!

Stacey said...

Wow sis! I'm impressed! Great job and dang nice looking fish!